We assist in starting and closing a business!
In the process of implementation a business idea, it is important to do everything right from the beginning.
How to enter in business world and organize your business so that you achieve a sufficient capital base and investment protection, superior handling and stable relations of power, the smallest tax burden and general costs, and the highest level of income? How to quit the business with maximum catch?
We offer a methodical, organizational and legal assistance.
- establishment of the company: Founding a company is easy and goes as planned, if necessary operations are carried out in the correct order. A company can be registered electronically through the Business Register portal, or notarially. If you want to start a business with a non-monetary contribution, or there is no digital signature option, then the company registration must be done at the notary. Company Formation and entry in the commercial register usually takes 2-3 working days.
- mergers and divisions: põhjused, miks ettevõtted ühinevad, jagunevad, ühe varad ja kohustused mõnele teisele ettevõttele müüakse, võivad olla erinevad. Oluline on kogu protsess seadustele vastavalt läbi viia ja olla kursis maksustamise asjaoludega nende komplitseeritud tehingute teostamisel.
- business dissolution and liquidation of the company: limited liability company is terminated with a resolution of the shareholders, a court resolution, or a declaration of bankruptcy. The liquidation will be carried out, which may in some cases take longer than a year. Therefore, it is convenient to leave the process of conducting and monitoring the liquidation in our hands.
- formation of the concern group: a concern is a group of legally or financially affiliated companies, which includes the parent company and the companies that are directly or indirectly controlled by the parent company (subsidiaries). The Group’s financial performance and position of the financial report of the group is treated as if it were an individual company financial statements.
Trust in our experts experience!